Extramarks Helps You Prepare CBSE Class 6 Science

Science is a subject which needs to be studied with proper attention and care. You need to look after the small details and also ensure that you have the best resources available to explore and answer all your questions at once as they arise. Science is a subject which tells you about the structure, functioning and the working of the world. It has been divided into three branches mainly to help you categorise the survival system of the existing surroundings. Physics teaches you about the forces which make movement possible, the pressure with which the air lets us breathe, it tells us how the things are actually working in the way they exist. Biology lets you explore the structure and working of living organisms and understand the connection between nature and living beings. It explains the interdependence of living things and the ecosystem. Chemistry explains the elements and their properties and their interaction with and in nature. These three together help us connect the dots of existence of life on this planet. Science is just the study of different things around us in details and the revelations to the questions where we ask how and why. It is a mystery which unfolds all the more, once you want to establish new relations using the previously existing structures and relations. Extramarks provides you with all the resources that you need on CBSE Class 6 Science. It has the best solutions to all the boards and their course for Class 6 Science. Download the Extramarks application now and find for yourself the difference in your learning.


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